On 12/18/06, Siomara-at-planalto.gov.br |tomcat|
<dxtijagy310t...............> wrote:
donĀ“t you have to include the port tomcat is listening?

http://localhost:8080/rms or any other port like: http://localhost:8899/rms

No, because I changed it to the default HTTP port 80.  But thanks.

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Dani [mailto:gka4cj702...............]
Enviada em: domingo, 17 de dezembro de 2006 17:43
Para: users@tomcat.apache.org
Assunto: My webapp is oddly asking for user and password


I have my webapp in c:\tomcat\webapps\rms\ and when I access
http://localhost/rms/ Tomcat asks me for a user and a password.  Even
if I try a hello world HTML file.  Why?

I guess it's something I have to fix in web.xml or server.xml.  What
should I modify?


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