Despitie writing in the db would clearly be the better idea, I'd
suggest that you create a unique id (its easy using 30 random digits
or something) and put the users data in a large hashmap along with a
timestamp of the creation and the users data. You can include this id
into the confirmation link (if you carry about security than
md5-hashcoded with a secret and/or timestamp).
The hashmap is held in application scope or in a static variable
somewhere or in a singleton class. Whenever the user clicks the
confirmation link you can lookup his data in the hashmap.
To prevent the map from getting VERY large you can scan it every hour
and check whether the confirmation is expired (that's why the
timestamp should be included).
You can further make a context listener and dump the hashmap contents
to a file upon shutdown, and load from file when starting.

Of course the access to the map should be synchronized.


Happy New Year All.

Does anyone use sessions to temporarily hold confirmation codes for user
registrations? I have a setup where when the user registers a random
confirmation code is generated and appended to a url which is emailed to the
user. The user's registration data is stored in a session with the
confirmation code as the key. When they click the confirmation link, the
code is used to retrieve the registration information and the registration
is done. Some users are having trouble because it seems they're encountering
invalidated sessions. I know if  the registrations is done in one browser
and the link (outlook will open IE) opens up a different browser that would
lead to the creation of a different session which obviously wouldn't have
the registration data. I have seen implementations that enter the
confirmation directly into the database but I don't want to do that since it
would mean writing more code to check who's account is activated and who's
hasn't, and also might lead to garbage in the database of users who never
activated their accounts...Any suggestions?

"talk trash and carry a small stick."

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