Hi thanks for the reply.

I cleared my CATALINA_BASE variable so it would take on the default
$CATALINA_HOME variable. I then moved my conf lib logs temp webapps work
directories back into $CATALINA_HOME. Then, I used startup.sh, and it
WORKED! Hooray! I can shutdown and startup the server when I do not have
a $CATALINA_BASE. When I try to setup a $CATALINA_BASE by moving the
aforementioned directories to $HOME/dtomcat, I get the error I posted in
my original message. 

Is there anything I missed when setting up $CATALINA_BASE?

I moved the conf, lib, logs, temp, work, and webapp directories to
$CATALINA_BASE. Should I have copied them, therefore leaving a copy in
$CATALINA_HOME? After that, I use startup.sh and supply the
-Dcatalina.base=$HOME/dtomcat argument to startup.sh, and it says it's
using the appropriate directory. However, startup.sh does not start the
server apparently; I cannot connect to it from a browser, and I get the
error I posted when I try to use shutdown.sh.

There's obviously something I missed. Do I need to edit some files or

Thanks a lot,

On Mon, 2007-02-19 at 17:11, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> On 2/19/07, Daniel Gresh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been following the installation instructions in RUNNING.txt.
> > Basically, it tells me to download the binary distribution, unpack it,
> > make sure JDK1.5 or greater is installed, and run the server. I also need 
> > to set up a CATALINA_BASE,
> No, you don't. Until you've gotten the basic installation down, stay out
> of the "advanced configuration" section. :-)
> If you follow *exactly* the steps before that, it should just work. If it
> doesn't, e.g., you're still getting a "connection failed" error, check to
> see whether the process is running or not. If not, check the logs, and
> if so, check for firewall/iptables/whatever problems.
> Good luck,
> -- 
> Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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