Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Nelson,
> Nelson D. guerrero wrote:
>>> Are you using cookies or URL-rewriting in order to track sessions?
>> No, the developers are using cookies or URL-rewriting, is this the
>> only way that the sessions can replicate between them?
> Assuming that Tomcat is managing your sessions (there aren't too many
> good reasons to manage your own sessions), then Tomcat uses either
> cookies or URL rewriting to maintain sessions between requests.
> By default, Tomcat attempts to use cookies, but if cookies are not
> supported by the client (the browser), then it resorts to URL rewriting.
>> I'm thinking on passing them this piece of code:
>> ((HttpServletResponse)response).addCookie(new 
>> Cookie("JSESSIONID",session.getId()));
>> That will surely help.
> Probably not: Tomcat should do this for you already.
> Usually, sessions get lost because Tomcat has had to resort to URL
> rewriting, but the application has not been written with this in mind.
> For instance, every single URL that you generate ought to go through
> request.encodeURL to make sure that the session id is properly added if
> necessary. If you don't do this, then you'll end up creating a new
> session when you use that (session-less) link.

Are you testing manually or using something automated?

> - -chris
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