Ahh.....please ignore my last.

I see that you're doing the same thing I mentioned (setting a private variable and returning that as the status).

Is this not working for you?


Yair Zohar wrote:
Hi Brantley,
Thanks for replying.
I've tried to pass a wrapper to the filter's chain, here is the wrapper's code:

import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class TestResponse extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {
   private int statusCode;
   public TestResponse(HttpServletResponse response) {
   public int getStatus() {
       return statusCode;
   public void sendError(int errorCode) throws IOException {
       this.statusCode = errorCode;
       super.sendError(errorCode);      }
public void sendError(int errorCode, String errorMessage) throws IOException {
       this.statusCode = errorCode;
       super.sendError(errorCode, errorMessage);      }
   public void setStatus(int statusCode) {
       this.statusCode = statusCode;

I hopped tomcat will use the wrapper's setStatus() method and then I will be able to get the status code. What actually happened is that sometimes the status code returned was 0 and sometimes 404 or 304. It seems tomcat used the wrapper's setStatus() method only in part of the cases (maybe only when there was a problem getting the page).

How does the byte count gives information on the status code ?
How do you get the byte count from the output stream ?


Brantley Hobbs wrote:

I too would be interested in this. I wrote a logging filter that does what you describe, but the best that I could come up with was a response wrapper that was passed along the filter chain. In the wrapper, I could set a status, thus guaranteeing that I would end up with a status at the end. The wrapper extends HttpServletResponseWrapper.

You may also find a wrapper useful because response sizes are not always set either, at least in my experience. With the wrapper, you can monitor the output stream to get a byte count.


Yair Zohar wrote:
I'm trying to create a filter that will do the access logging for my web application (I would like to write the information directly to the database not to a file).
I have a problem to get the status code of the response.
The filter receives a ServletResponse object that do not have a getStatus() method.
Any idea ?
Yair Zohar.

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