I'm using log4j, but it hasn't been configured at this point.  (The
servlet error occurs during configuration).

Still, note that the ServletException is thrown immediately after.
I'd expect Tomcat to pick up uncaught exceptions and stick them in a


On 3/30/07, Rashmi Rubdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It appears that log.fatal is a method in Apache Commons Logging ,
according to the usage

" FATAL - Severe errors that cause premature termination. Expect these
to be immediately visible on a status console."

According to the above definition, the error is probably not logged
into a log file, but only to the console.

I know Log4J has a properties file either in text or XML format, the
property file indicates the location of additional log files (if any).
From looking at the code snippet I can't determine if you're using


On 3/30/07, Will Glass-Husain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just checked that.  It's Jakarta Turbine, incidentally. No, the
> servlet catches then rethrows the exception.
>             catch (Exception e)
>             {
>                 // save the exception to complain loudly later :-)
>                 initFailure = e;
>                 log.fatal("Turbine: init() failed: ", e);
>                 throw new ServletException("Turbine: init() failed", e);
>             }
> Will

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Forio Business Simulations

Will Glass-Husain

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