
I believe I am using mod_proxy_ajp connector because this is what I have
on my httpd.conf:
ProxyPass /axis ajp://
ProxyPassReverse /axis ajp://
The version of mod_proxy_ajp is Apache/2.2.3


On Tue, 2007-06-12 at 12:59 -0400, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Bill,
> Bill Barker wrote:
> > This would let us 
> > see what mod_proxy_ajp is sending to Tomcat (which I very strongly suspect 
> > is wrong).
> Tomcat should still accept any valid numeric Content-Length header, even
> if it exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE. The Java AJP connector currently
> requires an int, but should accept something larger (albeit with reduced
> support through the HttpServletRequest.getContentLength method).
> An end user should always be able to parse their own Content-Length
> header for large values. In this case, mod_whatever is breaking the
> number. However, once mod_whatever is fixed, the AJP connector will
> still trip over the fact that the value exceeds maxint.
> (Looks like you have a fix for that. Which connectors does it cover?)
> > However, if my guess is right, then the problem is with httpd sending a bad 
> > value for the Content-Length header, so you would have to report it over 
> > there and get it fixed.  I don't have enough spare cycles to test this 
> > myself, but I'm sure that between you and Chris it will get nailed down.
> Two mod_jk heavy-lifters frequent the list (Mladen and Rainer). If it
> turns out that Daniel is using mod_jk, they should be notified
> separately. From Daniel's messages plus the info available in the bug,
> it's unclear whether he is using mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp. That
> information is important to identify before bothering someone on either
> project ;)
> This discussion can probably be taken off the mailing list and into
> Bugzilla:
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
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> =+YL4
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Daniel T. Dang
Software Engineer
Dolphin Technology, Inc.
474 Phoenix Drive 
Rome, NY 13441
phone: 315-838-1057
fax:   315-838-7096

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