
I don't know if this is the right forum to ask this, and if it isn't I 
appologize; would you be able to direct me to the right place to ask this?

I've currently got an apache/tomcat installation using mod_jk to communicate 
between the two.  Everything works perfectly.  The only issue I have is when 
I am redeploying my application in tomcat, or decide to stop tomcat 
altogether, is that I have no idea how to configure a proper error page to 
be displayed to the user.  Right now, all I see is a "OK The server 
encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete 
your request......" error page.

I realize that this is probably more of an apache configuration question, 
but seeing that it relates to mod_jk and tomcat, I was hoping I could find 
people on this list who have experienced the same issue and figure out how 
to fix it.  Ideally, I'd like to make my own custom page that says "The 
Server is currently under maintenance" or something along those lines.

Does anyone have any ideas where I could find information to do that?  I've 
searched google, but can't seem to find anything appropriate.



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