My from address for mail is say [EMAIL PROTECTED] But the webapp is now
running on another server with a different domain , say anotherdomain , but
my from address still has [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is this the reason.

On 10/4/07, tomcat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 01:30 PM 10/4/2007, you wrote:
> >Gabe,
> >That is great.
> >yes, It is sending mails to junk folder.
> >Thanks a lot lol.
> >How can I avoid it ? why does gmail treats this mail as spam?
> >
> >We were palnning to move our application to a new server.
> >I had written a build script using perl. Every thing went fine and build
> was
> >successfull.
> >We were trying to test it for user registration and no mails for ever. My
> PM
> >will eat my head if it moves to junk folder. HELP!!!!!
> >
> >
> >
> We send through the localhost sendmail to the mail server that serves
> mail for the host's domain. Sendmail is already set to only relay
> localhost on later 8.12 versions and up, making this setup easy. The
> mail server for the domain needs to be modified to accept mail from
> your application server.
> Your mail may be getting flagged for lack of RDNS (PTR record for the
> MX server). A lot of ISPs will flag or refuse your mail if you do not
> have MX and PTR records for your server. AOL immediately comes to mind.
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Arun George

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