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BuildSmart wrote:
> jkMount /* myworker <-- your example.
> It didn't work and only further proves that mod_jk lacks any real
> intelligence in functionality. 

You are not making any friends on this list. I need to fix your tone
right now before everyone lips your bozo bit and refuses to answer your
increasingly stupid posts.

Given that you are trying to hack-up a protocol to work in a way that ti
wasn't designed, I wouldn't start shooting my mouth off at the authors
of the code you're bastardizing.

> Well it sorta worked, it worked but only with localhost, none of my
> virtual hosts worked and I lost perl and php functionality so it really
> didn't work.

It totally did work. You mapped everything to Tomcat, so everything went
to Tomcat. Just because you wanted Apache to make the same decision you
would have ".php goes to php runner, .jsp goes to Tomcat" doesn't mean
that mod_jk is broken: it means that your understanding of how to
configure it is broken.

You obviously have not read the documentation clearly, or you wouldn't
be asking these questions.

As for only working on localhost, you need to check the rest of your
Apache httpd and Tomcat configurations: you probably don't have the
right virtual host config on either httpd or Tomcat or both. My guess is

>> No idea, why you claim that.
> Because it's true and I have seen no proof of the contrary, what I do
> get are well intentioned individuals offering advice however the advice
> must be incomplete because none of the offered suggestions work.

Dude, everyone uses "JkMount /*.jsp workerX". It can't be just you. Or
can it? You've been monkeying around in the mod_jk code to create this
zombie mod_just_jsp thing and now you want to complain that it doesn't
work? Get bent. You probably broke it yourself.

>> Concerning vhosts, I didn't understand, what you try to achieve.
>> Please try the above JkMount first. As soon as that works for you, we
>> can discuss further requirements.
> I did, it doesn't work and it kills python and php functionality.

No, you said that "JkMount /* workerX" kills Python and Php. Rainer is
asking you to use "JkMount /*.jsp workerX".

>> Note: Jkmount by default doesn't get inhertited between vhosts,
>> because usually mounts are vhost specific. You need to put the JkMount
>> into the vhost (or use JkMountCopy). See the docs.
> Putting anything into a specific vhost is a moronic concept if the
> webapp is to be shared by all virtualhosts.

You seriously need to check yourself. While the above may be true, your
frustration should not result in such poor manners.

> I have several hundred virtual hosts and to have to configure each
> one independently to access the webapp should not even be contemplated.

I think you're trying to do something that is just complex and a pain in
the ass. Php and Python are not application servers. Tomcat is an
application server and JSPs are designed to run in them. AJP is a
protocol that was designed to support this architecture. mod_jk is an
implementation of that protocol also designed to support that architecture.

Don't complain when mod_jk and AJP don't work on your Frankenstein

> The advantages of serving the pages from the apache virtualhost
> DOCUMENT_ROOT's rather than from Tomcat's webapp docroot should have
> been a consideration and you can see why the concept has merrit
> but unfortunately it seems that they have limited vision and can't see
> past their own work.

Go talk to Sun.

> I'm left with no choice but to conclude that mod_jk was someone's failed
> attempt to achieve some kind of useful functionality that could be
> applied in a production virtualhost environment.
> Is there any other connector/module combination that has a different
> result than mod_jk?

Go use mod_jk2. It may be more your style. It's got a higher version
number, so it must be better, right?

- -chris
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