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BuildSmart wrote:
>> As for only working on localhost, you need to check the rest of your
>> Apache httpd and Tomcat configurations: you probably don't have the
>> right virtual host config on either httpd or Tomcat or both. My guess is
>> "both".
> I only have one webapp in Tomcat as localhost and it's on port 8080
> (with connector on 8009) what more do I need??

So, you have Tomcat configured to support the "localhost" virtual host
and you expect it to work with other virtual hosts? Apache httpd doesn't
do this, either. Why would you expect that an incorrect configuration
would work properly?

> Don't tell me now that I have to add an entry in Tomcat for every
> virtualhost that wishes to access the webapp, that makes no logical
> sense to have multiple tomcat virtualhosts pointing to the same
> webapp/docroot.

Aah, yes... but you're asking all virtual hosts in httpd to point to the
same Tomcat instance. Why does the symmetric relation not hold for such
an illogical statement?

Tomcat, like Apache httpd, can be configured to use a default virtual
host for all requests that do not match any of the explicitly-defined
virtual hosts. Since you are so familiar with the documentation, I won't
waste space in this post with the configuration.

> I'm using the mod_jk module and not a bastardized version so if it's not
> working per your configuration directives then it's the guys who coded
> mod_jk who are fault and you should bitch to them about it.

I've never had a problem with mod_jk. No complaints required from my
end. It's possible that mod_jk was written to support only virtual
hosts, and not JkMount options at the top-level. I'd be surprised at
this, but there's an easy workaround: use a global virtual host. In any
event, if you need this global capability (and it sounds like you do),
try asking for this capability instead of telling the mod_jk folks that
they are bunch of idiots. You catch more flies...

In your case, you have discrete virtual hosts. You may have to add
"JkMount /*.jsp workerX" for each virtual host. It's not insane: it's
what's required. You have to map DocumentRoot for each VirtualHost
element. What's wrong with adding this mapping as well.

>>>> Concerning vhosts, I didn't understand, what you try to achieve.
>>>> Please try the above JkMount first. As soon as that works for you, we
>>>> can discuss further requirements.
>>> I did, it doesn't work and it kills python and php functionality.
>> No, you said that "JkMount /* workerX" kills Python and Php. Rainer is
>> asking you to use "JkMount /*.jsp workerX".
> workerX is not defined anywhere but I'll give it a try to satisfy you.

OMGWTFBBQ. Nearly all of the mod_jk documentation surrounds creating
workers that connect mod_jk to Tomcat. You should have gotten /that/
far. You must have a worker, or nothing works. "workerX" is a
placeholder for the actual worker you want to use. Put your own worker's
name in there, don't just type "workerX" and complain when it doesn't work.

> guess that doesn't work either, any more suggestion???

Yes: use the name of the worker that you actually configured (ajp13, as
per the posted configuration).

> it wouldn't have been so bad but more than a
> week with incomplete directions hasn't help the frustration level,
> something is definitely broken if it wont work as people tell me to
> configure it and as you stated that is how everyone configures it and it
> works for them so either I'm not getting all of the information or it
> doesn't work.

Let's take a quick look at your configuration. workers.properties:


Note that you don't need the 'lbfactor' unless you are using a
load-balanced worker.

Now, to your httpd config:

<IfModule mod_jk.c>
JKWorkersFile /etc/httpd/workers.ajp13.properties
JKLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
JKLogLevel debug
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat

Your config is clearly being loaded, as you are getting messages in your
log file regarding mod_jk.

Where is this configuration located? Is it being put into a VirtualHost,
or is it at the top-level?

Can you post a mod_jk log of what /does/ happen when you use this
configuration and try to access a JSP page? My guess is that you'll see
there are "no" mappings in the URI worker map for that virtual host.

What happens if, for the sake of testing, you move the JkMount directive
into a specific virtual host and try that? Does it work, then?

- -chris

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