
Thanks for the quick response.  Your evaluation is similar to what I have
been saying to my counterparts in regards to load balancing.   The back-end
servers seem to be responding in a timely fashion right now.  We have
performance data from the time period and nothing seems abnormal.  I think
this can be attributed mostly to the increased load, on that that day due to
shift switchover we have about 50% more users.   Wednesday was the most that
we have ever had.  Thanks for the suggestions, you certainly helped me
backup my theory to the powers that be.



On Dec 6, 2007 10:43 AM, Peter Crowther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > From: Peter Crowther
> > Looks like that slight increase in load has tipped you over
> > from being just-about-alright to just-about-failing.  If you
> > can't increase heap space, can't decrease load and can't
> > alter the application, your only remaining choice is to add
> > capacity: install another server and load-balance across N+1
> > servers rather than N servers.  Also remember that if you
> > have plenty of spare RAM on the machines hosting Tomcat, and
> > it's just maximum heap size that's the issue, then you might
> > be able to run two Tomcat processes (on different ports) on
> > the same server, avoiding the need to deploy new hardware.
> Bad Netiquette to follow up my own answer, but I missed a point.
> Often, the amount of heap space required is related to the number of
> concurrent requests being processed.  If this is the case for you, and
> you're using back-end services like relational databases, web services and
> the like, then you might be able to salvage the situation by speeding up one
> or more of those back-end services so that requests complete faster and
> hence there are fewer concurrent requests waiting on the Tomcat webapps.
>  It's another option to consider if you have some control over these
> services but none over the Tomcat app.
>                - Peter
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