> From: Michele Mazzucco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: [Axis2] FileNotFoundException (SESSIONS.ser) 
> during tomcat shutdown
> The folder is created at tomcat startup but when I stop tomcat  
> it still complains because it doesn't find the file SESSIONS.ser  
> (i.e. the same error occurs).

You're right; I thought I had checked that Tomcat would still use the
<Host> workDir for SESSIONS.ser, but further testing shows that's not

Something else to try is configuring a nested <Manager> element inside
the axis2 <Context>, and specifying the pathname attribute as an
absolute path to where SESSIONS.ser should be stored, while having some
alternate location for the axis2 <Context> workDir attribute.  The
pathname attribute should include the file name (SESSIONS.ser), and
every component of the path must already exist prior to Tomcat shutdown.
In your situation, you could try the pathname value:

However, you really should search the webapp source code for references
to javax.servlet.context.tempdir, and fix the code that's removing that
directory.  Deletion of the workDir affects not only session
persistence, but also trashes class files generated from JSPs.

> The only workaround is to disable session persistence 
> ($CATALINA/conf/context.xml).

That affects all webapps; you should really apply workarounds only to
the <Context> element for the webapp that's causing trouble, until you
get it fixed.

 - Chuck

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