
I'm deploying a struts 1.3.x webapp on tomcat 5.5.

I'm using log4j 1.2.13 for logging and I've configured to
log everything at /var/tmp/myapp.log

However when i try to deploy the app tomcat complains that
the webapp is not allowed to write on /var/log/myapp.log.

How should I modify the policy files in order to enable
proper logging?

Moreover: is it correct to specify the log name in the log4j.properties
files inside the webapp? Is there another more general way to
do this so i do not have to modify it if I deploy the webapp on win
instead of linux?


Roberto Riggio, PhD Student

Via alla Cascata 56/C 
38100 Trento (Italy)

HomePage: http://disi.unitn.it/~riggio/

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Fax: +39.0461.314.972

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