"Christopher Schultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hash: SHA1
> MK,
> MK wrote:
> | I have the following problem:
> | My Web application needs to handle Lotus Notes URLs which use the scheme
> | "notes". However, since Java does not know this protocol by default,
> it throws a
> | MalformedUrlException when I construct a java.net.URL from a notes://
> URL-string.
> |
> | So, I read up on custom URL handlers and as far as I understand, you
> have to
> | code a custom URLStreamHandler class and a custom URLConnection class.
> You really only need a custom URLStreamHandler... if there's a
> URLConnection that you can re-use, you are welcome to do that.
> | Okay, no
> | big deal. However, there are three ways to register your new handler:
> |
> | 1) put it in the sun.net.www.protocol.yourprotocol package
> Don't do that. You probably can't do it anyway, since the JAR defining
> the package is likely to be sealed.
> | 2) put it in a custom package and declare that package to the JRE
> using the
> | java.protocol.handler.pkgs system property
> This is how I do it in my TestURLConnection package
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/tuc).
> | 3) register a custom URLStreamHandlerFactory using
> URL.setUrlStreamHandlerFactory
> This might not work, since the javadoc says it may only be called once
> for a given JVM -- and Tomcat (or something else) might have don it
> before you get the chance to do so.

Yes, TC registers one early on in the init phase to handle jndi://.....

> | problem is, none of these approaches work in Tomcat 5.5. For 1), this
> simply
> | didn't have any effect for me. 2) neither, maybe Tomcat simply ignores
> that
> | property?
> How did you set the property?
> | 3) doesn't work because Tomcat already registers its own factory, and
> | for some reason I can't quite put my hands on you are not allowed to
> call that
> | method twice per JVM instance.
> Yeah, that's not surprising at all.
> | This issue is also discussed on Sun's Java issue tracker:
> | http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4648098
> |
> | The ticket has been opened six years ago and still no fix!
> That is also not surprising. Bugs in Java seem to take forever to get
> fixed, if they ever get fixed. It's a shame, really.
> | Does Tomcat meanwhile have some workaround for this? I mean, I don't
> even need
> | an actual URL connection, I just want to pass custom URL strings,
> which should
> | be perfectly fine if they are valid URLs, no?!
> Do you have the opportunity to intercept these URL objects, or are they
> always handled somewhere that you can't inspect them. I'm wondering if
> you can convert a notes:// URL into, say, an http:// URL before
> attempting to call URL.openConnection. I don't know anything about
> notes://, so maybe it isn't even HTTP-compatible.
> I'm sure there's a way around this. Give us some more information and
> we'll see what we can do.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> =Moqk
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