On Feb 25, 2008, at 15:35 , Uzma Khawaja wrote:

I am a student and doing a research on open source processes. I would be thankful if some one can answer few simple questions to help me in my research.

1. If someone wants to work on a feature or bug, is he/she required to get permission before working? Is he/she REQUIRED to join the community?

Depend. Any one can submit bug/feature to the project. Some of these submissions will end-up in the source code. To be able actually check- in your changes you need to be one of "commiters". You need to be well known in the community to get to be a "commiter".

2. What tools do you use to manage the project (to track the progress, assigning tasks, manage the features and bugs, maintaining patches etc).

Different open source projects are using different tools. Usually you can see what tool used by visiting project home page (interesting ... I have looked at tomcat home page and have not found any references to tool used by the project. I am positive that at some point in the past they used to have some. ). Some of popular tools are Maven (http://maven.apache.org/)/Bugzilla(http://www.bugzilla.org/)/Trac (http://trac.edgewall.org/) .... Do not forget about web sites like Sourceforge (http://sourceforge.net/) and Google Code (http://code.google.com/ ) which provide all-in-one support for open source projects.

Uzma Hameed
MS(SE) 3/4,
International Islamic University, Islamabad

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