Kaderabek, Kevin (TS) wrote:
Here's my problem.

We've been runing an application under Tomcat for 7 years now, but
usually on Linux.  Just now, I have need to run Tomcat as a Windows
service.  I did this by running service.bat, and everything seems to
work fine, except the logging.  The only log files I get are the stdout
and stderr.  None of the logs described in logging.properties, neither
the master one in the conf directory for catalina-log nor the files
described in logging.properties for our application, are created.  When
I don't run tomcat as a service and just start it with the startup.bat,
there's no problem.  When I run it as a service, no logging.  Seached
FAQ, Web, files, etc.  Loggings been working great for the last 2 years.
I'm at a loss.

LOCAL_SERVICE account (one used for running services)
probably doesn't have access to your logs folder.
Try adding full access right to service account for
that folder.


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