Date sent:              Fri, 28 Mar 2008 16:07:26 -0400
From:                   "Hyatt, Gordon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Securing Tomcat on FC8
Send reply to:          Tomcat Users List <>

> I've just finished reading the Tomcat Security chapter of O'Reilly's
> Tomcat, The Definitive Guide that covers Tomcat 4 and have been left
> with many questions.
> First, a little background: I've setup a new web server on FC8 x86_64

If security is a concern for you then dump Fedora as your Linux distro. Fedora 
is not meant to 
be run on productions systems.

If you are looking for a free but well supported (as in security patches) for 
an extended period 
of time I would recommend CentOS which is a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. 
also recommend debian.

> running Sun Java 1.6.0_05 and tomcat 5.5.26.  I'm very familiar with
> Tomcat on Windows (developed and deployed there for many years), and
> am now moving to Linux for various reasons.  I have some experience on
> Linux and am looking to improve.  The server is in my company's data
> center and only ports 80 and 443 are visible to the outside.  The
> local Linux guru is out this week and next, so I thought I'd at least
> start.
> Because this will be a web server, Tomcat will need to listen on ports
> 80 and 443.  In order to do so, as I understand it, Tomcat needs to be
> run as root - something with which I'm not very comfortable.  So the
> main question is:
> How do I get Tomcat to listen on 80 and 443 without running as root?  

Use jsvc.

> I thought of running Tomcat in a chroot jail, but that won't
> completely work, as it still needs to run as root for listening on
> these privileged ports.  I've also thought about setting up port
> forwarding from 80 and 443 to, say, 8180 and 8543.  
> I guess I'm looking for some advice/pointers/references for the "best"
> way to secure tomcat.  
> Any suggestions?

This is a guide which has been quoted/linked by others on this list and has 
some good tips.

-Steve O.

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