I've got another issue--

I want to place an index.jsp file in certain directories that simply loads another page eg:
<jsp:forward page="some-other-page.html" />

This works fine for a page in the same directory. But my site uses relative links heavily, so if I do this:

<jsp:forward page="../some-other-page.html" />

All that pages relative links don't work, since they seem to be relative to the originating directory, not the parent directory.

I want to use relative links, I have a huge amount of static content, so this is a real headache.

Any solution to this? It seems bizarre that a forward doesn't reestablish the correct directory.


On Apr 24, 2008, at 10:57 AM, Ken Bowen wrote:

Take a look at


I found it very easy to use for exactly the kind of problem you described.

P.S. Your eagles are great.

On Apr 24, 2008, at 12:53 PM, DIGLLOYD INC wrote:

I'm looking for a very very basic URL-rewriting filter--simple text substitution. I suppose I can write my own since the functionality I need is so limited, but I was hoping there was something built-in in Tomcat.

For past reasons, I get requests that include the path "bike/ free". Right now those all 404 into /errors/error404.html. The bike/free requests will probably stay around for years (hundreds of originating links), so I want to permanently map "bike/free" to "diglloyd/free" eg:


What's the easiest way to alter any URL containing "bike/free" to read "diglloyd/free"?


Lloyd Chambers

[Mac OS X 10.5.2 Intel, Tomcat 6.0.16]

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Lloyd Chambers

[Mac OS X 10.5.2 Intel, Tomcat 6.0.16]

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