
Is it possible to have shared libs between multiple web applications
(context's) in tomcat (6.0.x), where the static instances (like singletons)
are not shared?

I used following feature in catalina.properties, which successfully loads
the libs from the same path for each webapp:
But unfortunately (for us), all the singleton objects (based on static var)
are now shared too, which seems logical as the classloader probably loads
only one instance of the jars/classes for the whole tomcat container.
The motivation for doing this is that we have many projects on one server
which run under the same tomcat, and which should run the same software/jar
release (defined in shared.loader), only different configuration files. This
would allow to update the software for all projects by updating the libs in
our core systems, which is only installed once per server.
Before we had to update each project's WEB-INF/lib separately, and over
100MB of libs were duplicated per project.

Any hope achieving this easily (like configure separate classloaders?),
without having to remove all singletons ?

Besides, having an empty 'WEB-INF/lib' brought some other strange changes:
Following code did not find property files in the Classpath
(WEB-INF/classes), whereas before (with all our libs in WEB-INF/lib) it
worked :
InputStream propertyResource = getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename);
Seems the tomcat (java?) classloader is reacting specially in that case,
like shortcutting it's ressource search?!


JVM : 1.6.0 update2
OS   : Windows Server 2003
Tomcat : 6.0.13

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