
Sorry for delay and Thx for the reply

>>I'm certainly confused as to why you would run two Tomcats on the same
JVM. First of all, how did you do that? Are you using Tomcat embedded or something?

Yes I have 2 TOMCAT individual  running on same Windows2000
Machine sharing the same JVM with Startup / Shutdown Ports,but not embedded.

Would this setup be not configurable to be cluster ...?

>>You need some type of load balancer out in front of the two instances to make the cluster useful.

To test  clustering setup , do i need a Load balancer ...?

>> You continually say "it is not working" but you never describe what is happening.

I have the cluster setup as said in the 

And since some body on this form replied
"deploy/undeploy your apps only to one server, and the cluster will
     distribute  the deployments/undeploy across the entire cluster".
     with  <distributable/> in web.xml

The O/p of these 2 tomcats is as given below

Delpoyment of a war file on TOMCAT5523_I  displays in console as

INFO: Starting clustering manager at /DATAGRID
Apr 29, 2008 10:17:59 AM
org.apache.catalina.cluster.session.DeltaManager getAll
WARNING: Manager [/DATAGRID], requesting session state from
aliv e=17593]. This operation will timeout if no session state has been
received with
in 60 seconds.
Apr 29, 2008 10:18:59 AM
org.apache.catalina.cluster.session.DeltaManager waitFo
SEVERE: Manager [/DATAGRID]: No session state send at 4/29/08 10:17 AM
 timing out after 60,109 ms.

TOMCAT5523_II displays on console as

>>INFO: Replication member
://,catalina,,4001, alive=16]
Apr 29, 2008 10:17:59 AM
ner messageReceived
SEVERE: Context manager doesn't exist:/DATAGRID

with regards

Christopher Schultz wrote:
Hash: SHA1

To whom it may concern,

karthikn wrote:
| I am trying clustering on 2 TOMCAT 5.5.23  on WINDOWS OS sharing the
| same JVM 1.6

What are you using to split traffic between these two instances? It does
not appear that you have a cluster. It looks like you have two separate
Tomcat instances that have no relationship to one another. I think
that's why everyone is so confused.

I'm certainly confused as to why you would run two Tomcats on the same
JVM. First of all, how did you do that? Are you using Tomcat embedded or

| 8081    8082
| ShutDown                  8007    8008
| APJ                           8009    8010
| TCP Listener              4001     4002
| tcpListenAddress         auto    auto
| jvmRoute                 node01  node02
| Will this work ?

Probably, but these two Tomcat instances won't just magically share
traffic with each other. You need some type of load balancer out in
front of the two instances to make the cluster useful.

You continually say "it is not working" but you never describe what is
happening. I can tell you that you will receive no help from this forum
if you continue to ask the same question and never provide any useful

How does it /not/ work? Are any requests handled? Is only one of the
Tomcat instances handling any traffic? Are they not properly sharing
session information? Unbalanced load? /What/ is not working?

- -chris
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