----- Original Message ----- From: "Theparanoidone Theparanoidone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:14 PM
Subject: Farm War Deployer / Deploment Strategies


I'm looking for an efficient way to deploy a tomcat project to 2 or more tomcat servers simultaneously.

Changes to are tomcat project may affect the way it communicates with a database, and therefore we'd like to make sure the deployment takes place swiftly.

What are some of the better ways to deploy a project to multiple servers???

With JK,  the right way is from JKStatus, stop the servers.
Change dB
Then deploy new war...
Then bring them back one by one....

If its not JK, then I guess you have to stop them from the manager/html
If that dB change, is huge and needs translating/restructuring... thats the big down time. dB's are always a mission, you end up wrting a lot of script, or little util programs to make the change go as fast as possible.

When its just a content change, we just drop the wars in and let each tomcat wake itself up and do the change when its ready.

Not sure if we doing it right, but have had no problems.
Have fun...

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