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tootbatoot wrote:
| Hi Thanks. the two applications run on their own and don't share jvm
so I can
| use different versions - but the webapp I have deployed in tomcat server
| requires it to be either on 5.0.28 or 5.5.17 (but using j2sdk1.4.2_12)
- - we
| are using 5.0.28.

Okay. That doesn't seem to be a problem.

| thanks for clarifying the behavior of memory - do you see any performance
| gains if I switch to 5.5.17 from 5.0.28.

My understanding is that TC 5.5 has a better architecture, which I
assume means that certain performance characteristics will be better,
but the #1 reason to move from TC 5.0 to TC 5.5 is that TC 5.0 is no
longer supported. Not even security patches. You should upgrade so that
you will be running a version of TC supported by the developers /and/
the community.

| the only problem I have on my end
| i that I have to use plugin for 5.5.17 for backward compatibility to
| j2sdk1.4.2_12.

That's not a problem. The compatibility package was developed just for
that reason. again... why are you bound to a 1.4 JVM?

- -chris
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