I think one of the confusing things about the current logging environment is 
the lack of documentation about the mapping between commons-logging and 
java.util.logging levels and APIs, as implemented by JULI.  For example, c-l 
has six logging levels, whereas as j.u.l has seven; some of the mappings are 
obvious, some are not.  (Yes, I did find the mappings in the 

I hope the mappings are all inclusive from java.util.logging's perspective so 
that if I set the a level to INFO I get info, plus possibly some other level's 
that are greater than INFO?  In other words something that should be mapped to 
info, does not end up corresponding to say FINE, and is thus left out?

I also assume that the if developers stick to levels that are common to both 
java.util.logging and commons-logging, the mapping is straightforward?  It's 
only an issue when attempting to read tomcat log statements or adding new ones 

In the above snippet from the last two e-mails, Ole uses java.util.logging 
APIs, and Rainer responds with commons-logging; it's not clear when it's 
appropriate to use one or the other.

I would think that it's always appropriate to use commons logging within Tomcat 
and anything (java.util.logging, log4j, or commons-logging) goes for webapps?


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