----- Original Message ----- From: "Anthony Chamas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.5.25 freezes

Thanks for your replies, I'll try to disable the keep-alive
connections ... Will get back to you...
One detail I did not mention : I am on a 2003 server ( which does not
make the thread dump that easy ! )

Its very easy.... see this link
Start TC from the command line, the start.BAT... it is destructive, it will take TC down.

I dont think disabling Keep alives will do it... I think making the pages http/1.0 will, but the problem is still there, not all the data is getting out. I would start by looking at all the file IO and making absolutely sure the streams are being closed.

BTW in the Dos box you can copy the dump... use mark and just press enter, then paste to email.

Windows really doesnt like file locks... for example when tomcat is running, try open a log file... you'll see windows complain on notepad.
If its only happening on your servlets... I suspect a data size issue.
If its happening on static files, like a little old html file, or an image file on disk... something you dont mess with at all, then I think there is a system issue.

I would also try turning off any antivirus software on the server... and on the 2000's virus software actually breaks the sockets... so you have to re-apply the latest service pack again... there are articles out there on the subject...

Think you going to go, ah silly mistake, or @[EMAIL PROTECTED] ;)
Also try different TC versions if you suspect TC...

Have fun... now I'm dying to know what the issue is ;)

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