Tony... just another thought...
I want to change the philosophy a little....

If YOU open a stream... ie File f = new File.... Buffered streams etc...
Then make absolutey sure you close them...


If you GET a stream from TC...
OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();


Its an issue we've had, but I didnt see it as a bug, just a feature ;).... ie let TC decide when "it" wants to close its own streams.

The theory I have on this is that if you bang the stream shut before all the data is sent... you get the browser waiting for TC problem... and it only shows itself under load... it seems.

So its a little contradiction... close only YOUR streams... in theory this is wrong I think, but TC checks it own buffers and will close them at some stage... naturally the stream must not be in a global scope, or TC wont be able to release it.... it doesnt feel good, but its worth a try...

Ok... now I'm fresh out of guesses ;)

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