I've had similar problems in various versions of tomcat.  Currently the
problem seems to exist in 6.0.16 but not in 6.0.14 nor 5.5.17.  There
was a bug filed, but I don't have the reference handy.

That was 44494.

But 44494 has an 8KB limit and also it's very unlikely that it already was in 4.1.29 (I would say it's not in there, but I din't check explicitely), so it doesn't look like it applies to this problem.




----- Original Message -----
From: Michele Fuortes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, August 7, 2008 12:18 pm
Subject: Problem with POST to servlet: 16384 bytes maximum?


I have a problem with POSTing an XML file to a servlet which writes the XML to disk. If the XML file is less than 16384 bytes all goes well. If it's bigger the first 16384 bytes are written correctly, the rest all all 00s. The lenght of the file is the correct one as in the Content-Length: http header.

The servlet is very simple (I did not write it), the relevant parts are:
        File file;
        FileOutputStream out2;
        DataOutputStream out3;
        file = new File(req.getRealPath(filePath));
        out2 = new FileOutputStream(file);
        out3 = new DataOutputStream(out2);
        byte[] theBytes=new byte[bytesAvailable];

Can anyone help? Is there a buffer limit somewhere that I have to change.
I'm using Apache 2.063/Tomcat/4.1.29-LE-jdk14 on MacOS 10.5.3


Michele Fuortes

Michele Fuortes, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Cornell University  - Weill Medical College

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