OK, Wil.... you made me do some homework... got it sorted for you....

You must not guess the Charset... as we been doing.

Use this function....

System.out.print("CharSet : " + Charset.defaultCharset().toString());

and thats what you HAVE TO set your page at....

On my system it tells me its..... windows-1252

On Solaris if you running in a C Locale... it will be US-ASCII
If you running in a US locale it will be ISO-8859-1

Now you doing Ajax, so I imagine you may want to inject this stuff in DIV statements...
.... I'll let someone else try answer that... mission impossible... I think.

So... you have to convert character sets from what the locale is using... from the looks of things different on every single machine and OS... to what you using in the web page proper... probably UTF8 if you are internationalizing....

... it a headache... rather refactor your code so the pages are all the same charset of your choosing and work with &pound, &yen &dollar....

.... anyway use that function to get the decoding that is actually been used... they all changed from "outside" Java... in linux itself by the user... so you cannot guess... and then how you going to try get that Ajax into DIV's and tables using Javascript and DHtml or whatever.... only you know ;)

..... Dont do it......
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