Ok, so I see that will have to roll my own PreciseAccessLogValve.  So how do
I integrate with Tomcat? Do i just write my code, jar it and place in the
Tomcat's common/lib, and simply reference the classname like I do the
built-in accesslogvalve?

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David Fisher wrote:
> > Mark,
> >
> > Interesting but shouldn't the getDate method be slightly different:
> >
> >           if ((systime - currentDate.getTime()) > 1000) {
> >
> > In this line if currentDate is at millisecond 900 then the next second
> > starts with the millisec and that is 100 ms later.
> >
> >     long cachedtime = currentDate.getTime();
> >           if ((systime - cachedtime > 999 - cachedtime%1000) {
> >
> > Yes, I know it is a quibble about what is probably "fuzzy" logic. But
> > I'm just a guy who learned to typeset using integers in ebcdic at 300
> > dpi in Fortran and IBM Sys 370 Assembler and this is a classic "next
> > pixel" problem with proportional width characters at a small font size.
> You are right this isn't perfect. I'd need to do some performance tests so
> see how much slower the more correct code is. To be perfectly honest, I can
> live with the current implementation and don't feel the urge to scratch
> this particular itch.
> Of course, that shoudn't stop anyone else who fancies taking a look at
> this. Patches that improve the implementation without adding much (actually
> any in this case) overhead welcome.
> Mark
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