What I want to run on my webpage is AJAX push via icefaces.org opensource
code (asynchronous, web-based push of presentation changes to the client
browser based on server-side events) to do this I believe I need NIO (I
think NIO is also referred to as APACHE MINA project or another name I
have seen but cannot find info on is 'Comet')

I would also like a Blogger like WordPress or Apache ROLLER

So I am unsure if I need Apache, Tomcat or both?

Many Thanks,


>> Does Tomcat do the same thing as Apache? ie http; as well as the bonus
>> of
>> java?
>> I am using PhP, and would to like to also have Java/AJAX?J2EE on my web
>> page, and I am not sure if I need both Apache and Tomcat, or can just
>> use
>> Tomcat? (I dont know if it will do everything that Apache does plus
>> more?)
> Ayden,
> the way your question is asked, it is not certain that using Tomcat
> would really bring you any advantage.  Can you explain what you mean
> exactly by "have Java/AJAX?J2EE on my web page" ?
> What do you want to achieve ?
> To give you a quick overview :
> Both Apache and Tomcat are free and open source software; they are both
> developed by volonteers, who do this for fun (and sometimes hubris).
> They are both impressive, powerful pieces of software, and are both used
> by thousands of websites.
> Both Apache and Tomcat can act as webservers, to serve static html
> pages, images and other documents. Both Apache and Tomcat can deliver to
> your browser html pages containing "Java applets", which are small Java
> programs which run in your browser and on your web page.
> But the way Apache and Tomcat work inside is very different, and their
> configurations are also very different (*).
> Tomcat can run applications written in Java, on the server side (that's
> where J2EE lives); Apache cannot do that.  On the other hand, there are
> many things that Apache can do easily, which are a lot more complicated
> to do with Tomcat. For example processing PHP instructions embedded in
> html pages on the server side, or running perl cgi-bin scripts.
> Apache and Tomcat can also work together and split the work between
> them, but you have to add and configure a connector for that.
> Both have a good user support list, this one for Tomcat and
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" for Apache. The people on both are very helpful, even
> to beginners.  But the ones on this list sometimes have a tendency to be
> a bit elitist (talking about classes all the time) and sometimes obscure
> (contexts, objects, factories, etc.. ).
> Ajax has not much to do with either Apache or Tomcat. It is javascript
> code that runs in the browser, not on the server.  But you can use html
> pages with Ajax stuff with both Tomcat and Apache, from that point of
> view it's the same.
> (*) For example, Apache has basically one configuration file, written as
> plain text; Tomcat has many configuration files all over the place, and
> they are written in XML.  For example also, it takes 2 lines to create a
> couple of Apache logfiles, and what is in them is usually quite clear;
> in Tomcat, it takes .. many lines to create a logfile; you gets lots of
> them, but what is in them is more difficult to read.
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