> From: Gary Hirschhorn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Classes in tomcat\server\lib folder sometimes
> are visible to web application
> The Catalina ClassLoader in server/lib creates Webapp1 ClassLoader
> specifically for webapp1.

It's actually org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader that creates each 
webapp's classloader, but the result is the same as you surmised.

> the only way for this to work in practice is that these specific
> implementations are referenced in Webapp1 as Interfaces which are
> defined NOT in server/lib, but rather by jars higher up in hierarchy,
> such as common/lib.

Essentially correct; in addition to Interface classes, there are also abstract 
classes in the top-level jars.

> a) if my webapp code has any specific reference (e.g. the
> Class name is in my code as a variable or parameter type)
> to a class in server/lib, I should get a ClassDefNotFoundError.


> b) however, if my webapp has a reference to an Interface defined
> in common/lib and at runtime is handed a Class that implements
> this class, I may not get a ClassDefNotFoundError.

Not just may not, but should not.

Be aware that Tomcat uses a fair amount of reflection to avoid having direct 
references at compile and load time; depending on what your code needs, you may 
have to do something similar.

 - Chuck

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