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John Shilling wrote:
> Do people really do option #1 in a production environment?


> I can figure out how to set up realms for initialization parameters
> but it is still a single class namespace within the Tomcat container,
> right?

Not really. One of the container's jobs is to isolate webapps from each
other so they don't interfere.

> It seems that special care must be taken with singleton objects (such
> as the Hibernate Session Factory) so make sure that they are managed
> in the context of their Virtual Host/App Instance.

Yes. Each webapp gets its own ClassLoader which loads classes from that
webapp's WEB-INF/lib/*.jar files. Assuming that your webapps are
self-contained, even singletons should operate correctly "alongside"
each other in different webapps. I'm not expert at Tomcat internal
workings, but I expect that the level of isolation between two webapps
in the same Virtual Host is the same as the level of isolation between
two webapps in different Virtual Hosts.

> Are there established practices for doing #1?

Do not put any libraries in the server's shared class loaders unless
it's okay that they actually be shared. For instance, don't shove
Hibernate's JAR in there so you can save a little memory by sharing the
classes. If you do that, you've "crossed the streams" so to speak.

The main thing I would be worried about is the apps stealing time from
each other. There's not a whole lot you can do about that except get
more hardware. There's also the possibility of upgrades and such. do you
want to be able to run some clients/customers on different versions of
your application that require different JVMs, for instance? It should be
obvious that a Tomcat instance must run on only one JVM at a time ;)

- -chris
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