But not all. My hosting company, for what I regard as reasonable monthly prices (10/20/30), provides VMs running CentOS 5 with memory spaces of 160MB, 288MB, or 432 MB, and have generally been pretty knowledgeable when I ask support questions:
per Andre & Johnathan Swift, they only make "modest proposals".


On Dec 2, 2008, at 10:50 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

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Mark Thomas wrote:
hdisgr8 wrote:

I would like our hosting company to host a server which needs Tomcat. Apparently Tomcat is not supported as the hosting company found it to be an
'excessive drain on resource'. What might they mean by this?

One or more of:
- they are clueless and you need to find a better hosting company
- their previous customers were clueless and wrote inefficient web
- their previous customers were clueless and used up significant amount of
support time with Tomcat configuration questions
- they don't want the overhead of supporting another technology
- ...

I would add that many hosting companies these days are selling VM- based services with small memory spaces. You just can't run a decent J2EE app
on 64MB of (total) memory, while running a PHP-based app in that same
space just might work.

- -chris
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