
I think you've received enough pointers here already.

If you're logged in as root and you can't even write into a directory,
it's pretty likely that either

- the device is mounted read-only (check with mount -l)

- the device is somewhat corrupted (either the device or the RAID-controller)
When using RAID, use a corresponding tool to check the healthyness.
When using a RAID-controller, there sould be tools available from the
manufacturer of the raid-sontroller.
Alternatively, you could also get smartmon-tools and, if your device
is supported, check the device-status with "smartmon --all"

However, if you're not the server-admin, my suggestion is that you
forward your request to the server-admin - he should be able to tell
you why you can't write into said directory.

Anyhow, this whole issue seems not be a Tomcat-issue.


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