Peter Crowther wrote:
From: Caldarale, Charles R []
Strictly speaking, that's one thread per *servlet* object; if
using the SingleThreadModel (let's hope not), the container
is allowed to create multiple instances.

Good point in the general case, but I rather suspect David would have seen very 
different performance characteristics and some *very* confused output if that 
were the case here.

They're not further places for contention to occur.
Depending on what else uses the criticalProcess object, that
may or may not be true.

Another good point.  I was assuming something that isn't necessarily true, 
namely that criticalProcess was created for just that sync block.
Which, of course, is a correct assumption.

Meh, why don't I bow out and leave Chuck to give all the good answers? ;-)
You've done great so far: I implemented your suggestions, and it looks like it has more than doubled my throughput! My cpu usage for tomcat has gone from bouncing between 0 and 1 in task manager, to a steady 2 since more threads are now actually doing work instead of waiting around for their turn at the code, my disk writes per sec in perfmon have also more than doubled, and the destination log file is growing much faster as well.

Thanks a ton!!!

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