Peter Crowther wrote:
From: David kerber []
Now that I've got a thread dump, what am I looking for?

You found it first time :-).  Now the hard part - fixing it.
Yeah, that's what I figured!

I've got a
bunch of sections like this, pretty much all of which are waiting to
lock <0x057c73e0>.  Is there any way to figure out what that
object is?
I imagine it's the disk write, but can't figure out how to
tell for sure.

It's the sync at the start of your method.

[2009-05-08 10:43:24] [info] waiting for monitor entry
[2009-05-08 10:43:24] [info] [0x2739f000..0x2739fb64]
[2009-05-08 10:43:24] [info]     at
[2009-05-08 10:43:24] [info]     - waiting to lock <0x057c73e0> (a
I also have quite a few blocks like this:

[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info] "http-1024-Processor10"
[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info] daemon
[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info] prio=6 tid=0x271f1418
[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info] nid=0xa74
[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info] in Object.wait()
[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info] [0x275df000..0x275dfae4]
[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info]     at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info]     at java.lang.Object.wait(Unknown Source)
[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info] at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ [2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info] - locked <0x0510e6e0> (a org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable)
[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info]     at Source)
[2009-05-08 10:43:23] [info]

I assume these are just threads waiting for something to do (waiting for a request)?

... so they're all waiting to get the monitor on a eddsrv.EddRcvr, which is what the 
"synchronized" on your doPost method will lock on.
Until you said that, I didn't even notice that I had what appear to be "double" synchronizations, making the method synchronized, and also having synchronized{} blocks inside it. I assume I've been double-screwing myself all this time??

protected synchronized void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
           throws ServletException, IOException {
       synchronized ( criticalProcess ) {
           processRequest( request, response, false );

If you say pretty much all are stuck there, then you have massive contention on 
that monitor.  Time to move to some finer-grained locking!  As a first step, 
I'd remove the synchronized from the method; I'd replace it with one lock 
around the counter updates (locked on one object) and another lock in your 
decrypt/log/respond code that's purely around the logging section (locked on a 
different object).  Then I'd re-evaluate - run, take another thread dump and 
see where the bottlenecks are now.  If they're anywhere, I'll bet they're 
around the logging code.


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