Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Dave Filchak []
Subject: Re: General config errors

When I add the second host (the exodus app) and restart tomcat and run
netstat -pan | grep LISTEN | grep tcp again, port 8009 no longer shows
up and neither does the new port for the second connector on 8010.

Take out the greps and just eyeball the raw netstat output.  See if those ports 
show up in some other condition.
I have them all showing up at this point. However, when I view the exodus app, I get a blank page.
I have killed red5 and no other java entry shows
up under netstat except the ones I expect.

What can you see in ps output?
Really just a single java instance. Not much else of interest to this
I don't see anything wrong with the second server.xml, but maybe someone who 
hasn't been in bloody meetings most of the day might be able to catch 
something.  Can't comment on the mod_jk config, since I don't use httpd.

Can you access the exodus webapp via, or haven't 
you deployed it yet?
I have deployed it several times and eventually, most often after a tomcat restart, I lose the ports. I know this is why Andre feels that there is another tomcat instance running on my machine but I just do not see it.

Thank you all for your patience today. I am way too tired to keep going so will have to continue tomorrow. Thanks again.


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