> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
> 1. Is the number of requests (100,0000 sufficient? It seems to take
>    forever on this machine... my Coyote tests took longer than
>    overnight.

You want enough tests that they're sensitive to statistically significant 
differences that you're interested in finding.  The tests shouldn't be 
dominated by end effects - startup and shutdown.  I'd be more inclined to run 
*multiple* tests - 3 is about the minimum - to make sure that your single test 
hasn't been messed up by something unexpected.  I'd expect a few minutes per 
test to be enough to ignore end effects; I'd be far more inclined to run 10 
2-minute tests than 1 20-minute test, for example.

> 2. Is a concurrency of 1 okay? I thought about it and testing the
>    ability of the OS to schedule processes and threads doesn't seem
>    like it adds anything to the data.

Depends.  *Exactly* what are you testing?  If it's "who can serve the most 
bytes per second / requests per second", a concurrency of 1 isn't appropriate - 
you want to see what happens as you approach saturation, which is unlikely to 
happen with a single thread.  If it's "who can serve load without horrible lock 
contention in the system", same answer.

> Below is the data I've collected so far. I'll publish everything on my
> blog, including graphs, etc. once it's finished. (Strange that httpd
> dramatically increased its transfer rate when requesting the
> 16MiB file!)

Looks interesting.  Is there any way of finding out what the rate-limiting 
factor is in each case - CPU, memory bandwidth, memory capacity, disk bandwidth?

                - Peter

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