David Wall wrote:
>> I am using Tomcat 6.0.20 and have implemented the SessionListener
>> interface.  We can then use this to show a list of active sessions to
>> our users, and when they are logged in, we even know which user is
>> tied to the session.  This is very handy.
>> However, on tomcat restart, all existing sessions are serialized as
>> tomcat stops and then reactivated when tomcat starts.  But I have no
>> way of building my list of active sessions since those that are
>> started do not call the sessionCreated() method.
>> Is there any way to get a list of sessions tomcat resumes on restart?
> This capability was available back in servlet 2.1 with
> HttpSessionContext.getIds() and getSession(sessionId), which would allow
> me to build my initial list based on the sessions when the system starts
> up.  These are deprecated now.
> It seems if I can see all sessions that are started and stopped using
> SessionListener, there should be no reason why we can't get the sessions
> auto-built from session persistence when Tomcat restarts a web app,
> too.  Any tricks to figure this out?

Try reading the reply I wrote about 9 hours ago.


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