2009/11/19 Bruce Foster <gis.fos...@gmail.com>

> do I need to look at the server threads? if yes then where to I set
> that option?
> read somewhere tomcat with 8 thread (8 core processor), how do I
> configure that option?
> If you can find me that "somewhere", I'll go and grumble at the author
:-).  It's very poor advice unless your web application is 100% CPU-bound,
doing no I/O (including sending no output over HTTP) and no database

For realistic loads, some will be waiting on I/O to database, sending data
to the browser etc..  The actual number of threads you want is therefore
higher, depending on your own web application - and the only way to find out
is to profile.

Setting the number of threads too high costs you a little bit of CPU (so the
scheduler can account for them) and a little bit of RAM (for their stacks
and other data structures).  Setting the number of threads too low costs you
failed requests from your users, up to and including the server appearing to
be down because it's got backed up handling incoming requests, despite
having enough RAM and CPU.  If you're not sure what to do, keep the threads
unchanged; if you *have* to alter it, prefer higher rather than lower unless
you can demonstrate that it will cause RAM or CPU issues to do so.

- Peter

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