> From: Rick Bragg [mailto:li...@gmnet.net]
> Subject: RE: Log files?
> http://project.cyclos.org/wiki/index.php?title=Installation_%
> 26_maintenance

Thanks - I did manage to find that shortly after sending the previous message.  
I'll need to get MySQL set up to actually check it out.

> System Info:
> OS: Ubuntu Hardy LTS version 8.04 - 2.6.24-16-server amd64
> Tomcat: Apache Tomcat/6.0.18

I would definitely follow André's advice and deinstall that Tomcat and use a 
real 6.0.20 download from tomcat.apache.org.  That will at least get us all on 
the same page.  The startup script for Tomcat will be in Tomcat's bin 
directory; you can make an entry in /etc/init.d to call it once you're ready to 
start running Tomcat as a daemon - after you've got everything else sorted.  
Until then, just start and stop Tomcat from the command line.

> JVM: 1.6.0_17-b04 Sun Microsystems Inc.

32- or 64-bit?  The 64-bit one is more appropriate here, although either should 

 - Chuck

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