> Recent versions of mod_jk allow a very fine-grained response timeout
> configuration, so that you can e.g. set a general response timeout to 20
> seconds and a longer timeout like 60 seconds for special URLs you expect to
> take longer like report generation.
> The cases where you would need short timeouts are the cping/cpong and during
> connection setup. For the latter there is now also a special timeout, so
> that you can actually drop the socket timeout.
> Have a look at:
> http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/generic_howto/timeouts.html
> which tries to describe the possible timepouts and their implications in
> great length.

Thanks for your reply Rainer. I have had a read of that (very helpful)
document but I guess what I was wondering was if socket_timeout would
close a socket purely due to inactivity. The doc mentions timing out
on 'operations', which I would take to mean establishing a connection
or waiting for an ACK but actually it does seem to drop the connection
purely because it's inactive.


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