Ken Bowen schrieb:
Then I think you either need several independent Tomcat instances or multiple virtual hosts. I've occasionally had several independent instances running (but one was started by Eclipse and one from the command line).
I don't know whether Eclipse would support either.
Do you need to do simultaneous development, or just run several other ROOT webapps while developing on one?

Actually only several other ROOT apps. I've seen so far that I can run the embedded tomcat from within MyEclipse in parallel to the external Tomcat. I only have to change the server shutdown port in server.xml to something different, e.g. 8006 instead of 8005.
And adapt the connectors accordingly to avoid conflicts.


On Apr 23, 2010, at 3:59 PM, Christoph Kukulies wrote:

Ken Bowen schrieb:

You can run multiple web apps alongside the ROOT app. I just drop them in the webspps folder.

Yes, I know. I do presently. But I want to run several ROOT apps.


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