could you briefly explain the need for 2 apache webservers?

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> Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 20:22:44 +1200
> From:
> Subject: Re: Cleartrust RSA integration
> To:
> Hi Andre
> Thanks for the reply.
> I had a long discussion with our architecture group today. Basically they 
> want Cleartrust authentication at the web gateway (in place now) and again 
> at the web server. The gateway (an Apache instance) and the Tomcat server 
> would not be on the same physical box - they would be in separate security 
> zones.
> An option is to use yet another Apache instance fronting Tomcat. I'm not 
> sure what sort of performance hit this would be (i.e. Apache -> Apache -> 
> Tomcat) - do you have any insight?
> Regards
> Ron
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "André Warnier" <>
> To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
> Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:37 PM
> Subject: Re: Cleartrust RSA integration
> > Ron McNulty wrote:
> >> Hi All
> >>
> >> We are thinking of bringing some of our apps off proprietary J2EE servers 
> >> to Tomcat. We would be deploying on Tomcat 6 (latest), JVM 1.6 and Linux 
> >> on a VM (not sure of versions). One of the requirements is to 
> >> authenticate using RSA Cleartrust.
> >>
> >>> From my reading, Tomcat does not support this. The recommended solution 
> >>> is
> >> to front Tomcat with Apache, and let Apache do the Cleartrust 
> >> integration.
> >>
> >> The links I have found are a bit ancient - are my assumptions still 
> >> correct? Also, our system architects seem to think this setup is 
> >> insufficiently secure - comments?
> >>
> > Assuming the Apache Cleartrust authentication is secure..
> > If Apache authenticates a request, and if the Apache/Tomcat connector is 
> > mod_jk, then the authenticated user-id is propagated from Apache to Tomcat 
> > (*).
> > (Additionals info could be propagated via additional HTTP headers, or 
> > "request attributes").
> > If the link between Apache and Tomcat is secure (like for example both run 
> > on the same machine and the connection is purely internal), then there is 
> > no reason why this would be less secure.
> >
> >
> > (*) whether Tomcat actually uses it, is determined by the 
> > "tomcatAuthentication" attribute of the AJP <Connector>.
> >
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