Thanks for the response Chris.

You're right.  Jetty does a redirect, so on the client-side the
browser sees "/login.html?error=true".  Since this isn't happening in
Tomcat, I am unable to retrieve the query string client side.  As you
indicated my login page is static html and I am relying on client-side
processing to interpret the query string.  I ended up working around
the issue by creating a loginerror.html which is identical to
login.html except that I have added a hidden DIV to the
loginerror.html.  I can then search for the hidden DIV to determine if
there was a login failure or not.  Not pretty, but it works!



On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 10:17 PM, Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Shaun,
> On 8/23/2010 4:56 AM, Shaun Senecal wrote:
>> I'm using FORM authentication, and everything seems to be working
>> (logins are accepted, etc), except when there was an error the URL
>> changes in the users browser to point to j_security_check.
> This is expected.
>> The
>> contents of the redirect to j_security_check contains login.html, so
>> the user is able to login as expected, but my "error=true" query
>> string is not passed along.
> How are you checking? If you are forwarding to a .html page, you
> probably don't have any dynamic content in there, and therefore have no
> options for checking for things like request parameters.
>> Is there something obvious I am doing
>> wrong here?  I got it working under Jetty as a sanity test, but I need
>> to get it working in Tomcat too...
> It's possible that Jetty performs a redirect (to login.html?error=true)
> during a failed login and Tomcat performs a forward, which is entirely
> server-side. The result is that the client never sees the "error=true"
> and therefore only server-side components will be able to see it.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
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> =cFJK
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