On 03/09/2010 07:31, AVSUNIL wrote:
> Tomcat ver 5.0.19

Which was released 2004-08-28, over 6 years ago.

The most recent v5.0.29 was released 2005-02-19 - because 5.0.x is no
longer supported.  Upgrading to the latest 5.5 shouldn't be too much of
a trauma - you're already on Java 5.

I'm not sure it'll cure your problem, but it's a Really Good Idea.


> JVM 1.5
> Linux platform
> No exceptions in logs
> Single SIgn On mode works through a load balancer
> Normal mode URL hits the individual server directly
> In below mail, the jsp name was put incorrectly. It is always invoking
> myapp.jsp 
> From the web.xml I infer that if listings or 404 error will be displayed
> based on settings in defaultServlet settings, if the welcome files are
> missing. Now the question is welcome file (myapp.jsp) is present in
> webapps/WEB-INF/jsp diretcory of application. Why does it not find the same
> first time and why will it find it after one mroe restart
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> n828cl wrote:
>>> From: Sunil A V [mailto:sunil...@infosys.com] 
>>> Subject: Tomcat Web App - Strange Issue - Need 2 restarts for SSO mode to
>>> work
>> Tomcat version?  JVM level?  Platform?  Anything of interest in the Tomcat
>> logs?
>>> The web application is available through 2 modes of links -
>>> one is regular without load balacer and other is Single Sign
>>> On based through load balancer.
>> Please explain how that is configured.  Are they completely separate
>> Tomcat instances on different boxes?
>>> Deployment Procedure:
>>> Stop the server
>>> Copy the new war to webapps replacing the old one
>>> remove the complete diretcory of MyApp recursively (rm -rf MyApp)
>>> start the server
>> Should be ok, although it's a bit heavy-handed.
>>> We try both the links of application.
>> What is a "link"?
>>> Please note the web.xml in Tomcat/webapps/MyApp/WEB-INF directory has
>>> below
>>> <welcome-file-list>
>>> <welcome-file>myapp.jsp</welcome-file>
>>> </welcome-file-list>
>> Which leaves directory listings enabled for the webapp.
>>> The application has only myapp.jsp and none of index.* files
>>> Tomcat might not be finding xcard.jsp
>> Why would it?  Based on your description of the file contents, there is no
>> xcard.jsp, just a myapp.jsp.
>>  - Chuck
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