From: Konstantin Kolinko [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:46 PM

> The installer itself is a 32-bit program.

> The "SetRegView 64" command switches it to using 64-bit part of
> registry. This command is documented here:

Hmm. Seems like I'm being lead a little bit here. Ok.

Alright so what should probably happen then is if reading the registry fails to 
return a result for "SetRegView 64" then read it again after doing "SetRegView 

The logic and sequence for checking 32-bit registry space would go something 
like this:

1) IF 64-bit system
     a) "SetRegView 64"
     b) Read registry
     c) IF no-errors we have a JRE path (goto "NoErrors")
2) "SetRegView 32"
     a) Read registry
     b) IF no-errors we have a JRE path (goto "NoErrors").
     c) ELSE set JRE path = "" 

JRE path is $1 in the NSIS script.


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