I appreciate you trying to be helpful rather than otherwise. The current state 
of the code is simply an exploration, a debugging exercise, though one that is 
causing a lot of frustration and costing a lot of time.  I'm not sure how to 
get the full trace. It goes beyond what I can capture in the console window and 
it doesn't appear in catalina.log--many more lines appear in the console. 
Perhaps tweaking the shortcut that starts tomcat to pipe to a file? Any 
suggestions on how to get that data for you?

And  to answer Charles and Martin, no, I haven't mapped the .htm to anything. 
Since it is not a servlet I didn't know that was necessary. If I have a 
test.htm file in the context root of this web app, how would I configure the 
<servlet> and <servlet-mapping> elements? I don't want the user to be able to 
access the page directly, I want a servlet to forward to it under the right 

I'll try again to isolate the error. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 2:23 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Static Resources - Runtime Problems

Hash: SHA1


On 5/24/2011 10:47 AM, Jay, Michael wrote:
> I apologize for the insufficient data.  The goal is to foward the
> user to google.com to login and on successful authentication, reveal
> the original page desired. The original author used a .jsp that
> simply produces itself. But that's a separate issue--I think. I've
> not been able to capture an exception when attempting to forward().
> Tomcat seems to go into a loop of some kind.--mj

It looks more like the object graph has a /very/ long chain to get to
the real request object.

Can you post the /entire/ stack trace you get? What is the actual error?
Probably a StackOverflowException or something like that.

HttpServletRequestWrapper is a Servlet API class that can be used to
wrap a request object. AFAIK, Tomcat does not use this class for
anything unless you have explicitly configured Tomcat to attach a Filter
to incoming requests.

If you have many requests that forward to other resources that forward
to other resources that forward... and so on, the request can be
(inadvertently) wrapped multiple times.

I didn't see *any* filter definitions in your web.xml so your code must
be wrapping something at some point. A look at the full stack trace will
help a bit.

- -chris
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