Also - I just looked at my local tomcat 6.0.32 server.xml and it has 
JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener on the Server element.  The implicit disabling 
of URL caching this is supposed to do must not have an effect on this scenario.

As an aside, when I used antiJARLocking + antiResourceLocking on the server's 
context.xml, it appeared to work, but that has other documented side effects - 
such as creating a bunch of garbage in the tomcat/temp directory.   As a 
result, this really isn't a solution for us.

Any suggestions on how we can get these JAR(s) not to be locked - without using 
the context attributes?


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob DeRemer [] 
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 9:12 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: HOW TO: re-deploy or undeploy a webapp when additional files are 
added after initial deployment

Hi Mark,

Actually, in the logs it does tell me that ExpandWar deleteDir failed.  This is 
because my "extensions" I have are actually JAR files that we're dynamically 
loaded so we don't have to restart the webapp.  I'm using the addUrl hack, but 
by casting the main webapp's Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() to 
a URLClassLoader.  From a dynamic loading standpoint, it works great!  It 
allows extension classes in an extension JAR to derive from classes in our 
built-in product JAR(s) loaded by the same [I'm assuming] webapp classloader. 

The problem is, when I shutdown/undeploy the webapp, everything else gets 
deleted, but not the JAR(s) that are dynamically loaded.  Tomcat should not be 
holding on to these because I am NOT using the System class loader to load 
them.  Problem is, I'm not sure why these are not being unloaded.

Is there any way to force tomcat to release these?  I tried putting the 
antiJARLocking="true" in the main Context.xml as well as a local context.xml in 
META-INF and neither of these worked.

Thanks in advance,

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas []
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 3:44 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: HOW TO: re-deploy or undeploy a webapp when additional files are 
added after initial deployment

On 01/08/2011 20:32, Bob DeRemer wrote:
> Thanks, but I need to do this in a production environment, where we're 
> deploying/re-deploying a WAR and there is no eclipse IDE.  In 
> addition, I am dynamically adding extensions to our webapp without 
> having to restart our webapp, which is what republishing from Eclipse 
> does.

Any messages in the logs? Tomcat 7 will report if it can't delete a file. I 
don't recall if Tomcat 6 does.

If a file is under the docBase and is not deleted it is because something 
(probably your app) still has the file open. You need to close the files before 
you redeploy.


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