Should YourKit be able to pinpoint this?  I've used it for memory and other 
profiling, but haven't used it to see what might be holding onto JARs after a 
webapp has been shutdown.

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 3:52 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: HOW TO: re-deploy or undeploy a webapp when additional files are 
added after initial deployment

On 02/08/2011 02:11, Bob DeRemer wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Actually, in the logs it does tell me that ExpandWar deleteDir failed.  
> This is because my "extensions" I have are actually JAR files that 
> we're dynamically loaded so we don't have to restart the webapp.  I'm 
> using the addUrl hack, but by casting the main webapp's
> Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() to a URLClassLoader.
> From a dynamic loading standpoint, it works great!  It allows 
> extension classes in an extension JAR to derive from classes in our 
> built-in product JAR(s) loaded by the same [I'm assuming] webapp 
> classloader.
> The problem is, when I shutdown/undeploy the webapp, everything else 
> gets deleted, but not the JAR(s) that are dynamically loaded.  Tomcat 
> should not be holding on to these because I am NOT using the System 
> class loader to load them.  Problem is, I'm not sure why these are not 
> being unloaded.

You'll need to get a profiler to see what is holding on to references to those 

> Is there any way to force tomcat to release these?  I tried putting 
> the antiJARLocking="true" in the main Context.xml as well as a local 
> context.xml in META-INF and neither of these worked.

Without knowing what is holding on to the reference, it is pretty much 
impossible to determine the best way to solve this problem.


> Thanks in advance, Bob
> -----Original Message----- From: Mark Thomas [] 
> Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 3:44 PM To:
> Tomcat Users List Subject: Re: HOW TO: re-deploy or undeploy a webapp 
> when additional files are added after initial deployment
> On 01/08/2011 20:32, Bob DeRemer wrote:
>> Thanks, but I need to do this in a production environment, where 
>> we're deploying/re-deploying a WAR and there is no eclipse IDE.  In  
>> addition, I am dynamically adding extensions to our webapp without  
>> having to restart our webapp, which is what republishing from Eclipse 
>> does.
> Any messages in the logs? Tomcat 7 will report if it can't delete a 
> file. I don't recall if Tomcat 6 does.
> If a file is under the docBase and is not deleted it is because 
> something (probably your app) still has the file open. You need to 
> close the files before you redeploy.
> Mark
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